

理想的退休生活是无忧无虑的. These tips could help you retire with less debt.

Home ownership has always been one of the hallmarks of the American dream. 传统上, owning a home has been a symbol of financial stability and a reliable retirement nest egg. For many, owning a home is the biggest investment in a family's financial portfolio. But will you still be making mortgage payments when you retire?

One way to retire with less debt is to consider 还清抵押贷款 提前完成计划. 这取决于你的个人经济状况, this option might help you enjoy your golden years with less monetary worries.


If you have the financial means to pay off your mortgage sooner, 这样做有一些经济效益, 包括:

  • 节省现金. 提前还清你的住房贷款, you'll have more disposable income to use as you see fit.
  • 节省利息. Retiring your mortgage early can save you money in interest payments.
  • 减轻债务负担. Lowering your overall debt early will give you less to worry about when you retire.

When paying off a mortgage early might not work

当然, 还清抵押贷款 early might not be right for everyone. 这取决于你目前的经济状况, other monetary priorities might trump this option, 如:

  • 建立应急基金. Some financial advisors suggest that homeowners keep a savings fund in reserve that is equal to at least six mortgage payments for emergency purposes.
  • 首先还清高息债务. If the interest on any credit card loans or other loans is higher than your mortgage's interest payments, 你可能会考虑 偿还那些未偿还的债务 第一个.
  • 为退休多做些贡献. Making generous payments to your employer retirement plan or 个人退休帐户 might be a better financial investment than paying down your mortgage early.


T在这里 are several practical things you can do today to help make your retirement more comfortable, 包括:

  • 支付额外的按揭. Paying off your mortgage early can help save you thousands of dollars in interest. 每两周而不是每月付款 can reduce the term of a 30-year loan to about 25 years. You can also opt to pay enough extra each month to total one extra payment by the end of the year.
  • Considering a shorter-term, lower-interest loan. If you originally carried a 30-year loan, consider 再融资 换成15年期抵押贷款. The current interest rates might even be lower than when you 第一个 bought your home.
  • 搬进更小的房子. Consider downsizing to a smaller home if you realize you don't need as much space and your payments would decrease. You might even be able to purchase a smaller residence 彻底的 with the cash from the sale of your larger home.
  • 搬到更便宜的城市. If you're planning to retire soon, consider moving to a city or town that has a lower cost of living. With the money you made on selling your original home, you might be able to buy a smaller home or 公寓 彻底的.

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It's never too late to begin saving for retirement. Here are some ideas for strategic retirement planning.


Factors that can help determine if a lump sum may be right for you include retirement savings, pension lump sum tax rules and life expectancy.


确定, 你可以放松, 但退休后工作能提高智力, 物理, 社会和经济健康.

The pros and cons of paying off a mortgage early

The benefits of paying off a mortgage early should be weighed against a number of different financial factors.