

Natural gas detectors can alert you 和 your family of odorless 和 dangerous leaks.

Natural gas detectors may not be as common on the list of 家里必须有的东西 比如 感烟探测器 or 灭火器, but these devices are worth serious consideration 和 can detect potentially serious situations.

Public utilities add a chemical to give the odorless, colorless natural gas a "rotten egg" smell. 这种气味能帮你辨别各种东西, quick-fix problem 比如n appliance's pilot light going out to a serious issue 比如 crack in the line caused by a 自然灾害.

如果你闻到煤气味, keep you 和 your family safe by exiting the home 和 calling your local gas company/public utility. As you leave, avoid doing anything that may create a spark including turning on or off lights.

天然气泄漏可能不像 房子火灾, but leaks can result in a situation as severe as an explosion.

Discovering a natural gas leak is not always guaranteed as sometimes the smell can fade off. Also, a leak is difficult to detect by someone with a lack of or reduced sense of smell.


The most common types of natural gas detectors for residential use are similar in size 和 cost to 一氧化碳 detectors 和 感烟探测器s.

Some manufacturers of 一氧化碳 detectors offer combination or 3-in-1 detectors to alert when 一氧化碳 or an explosive gas such as natural gas or propane is detected. Many of the home natural gas detectors or explosive gas detectors will require being plugged into an electrical outlet 和 will have a battery back-up.

T在这里 are also gas detectors designed for recreational 车辆s to alert in case of a propane leak as well as more expensive h和-held models typically used for trying to track down w在这里 the leak is.

购买天然气泄漏检测仪时, be sure to read the packaging to make sure it fits your needs for residential use.


Install your natural gas detectors in locations close to sources of natural gas. 这包括, placing them in any room with windows or a gas appliance such as your kitchen 和 your basement.

当添加到有窗户的房间时, be sure to position natural gas detectors higher than all doors 和 windows. Positioning detectors away from windows is best since the fresh air coming in could deter 和 interfere with accurate readings on the device.

Some manufacturers recommend placing the detectors 6 inches away from the ceiling 和 10 feet away from the gas appliance. Review the placement recommendations from the manufacturer of the natural gas detector that you purchase.


如果你的气体探测器响起,不要惊慌. 离开家,联系你的公用事业公司.

你的财产是否会受到影响 自然灾害 比如龙卷风, 地震, 飓风或洪水, natural gas detectors can alert you 和 your family to possible issues. 在某些情况下或紧急情况下,可能有必要 关闭一些公用设施.


就像烟雾探测器和一氧化碳探测器一样, the home natural gas detector needs to be tested regularly 和 the batteries — even if used as a back-up system to a plug-in detector — need to be changed. And most natural gas detectors for the home have a useful life of about 5 years. Make note of your natural gas detector's expiration date.

在事件中 对你的家造成的损害请务必向你的pp王者电子官网公司报告. A 家里的库存 是一个很好的帮助制作的方法吗 房屋pp王者电子官网租房者pp王者电子官网 pp王者电子官网的决定 加快pp王者电子官网 索赔过程 损坏或灭失赔偿.

The information in this article was obtained from various sources not associated with 状态 Farm® (including 状态 Farm Mutual 汽车mobile pp王者电子官网 Company 和 its subsidiaries 和 affiliates). 虽然我们相信它是可靠和准确的, we do not warrant the accuracy or reliability of the information. 州立农场不负责, 不赞同或赞同, 隐式或显式, the content of any third party sites that might be hyperlinked from this page. 本信息不用于替代手册, instructions or information provided by a manufacturer or the advice of a qualified professional, or to affect coverage under any applicable insurance policy. These suggestions are not a complete list of every loss control measure. 状态 Farm makes no guarantees of results from use of this information.




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家中可能需要多个烟雾探测器. 阅读不同的类型.


You may not be able to predict when a home emergency will occur, but you can be more prepared with a home emergency plan.

What is indoor air pollution 和 what can you do about it?

室内空气质量可能比室外更差. 了解这些类型以及你可以做些什么来改善它.


Carbon monoxide poisoning can be lethal to humans 和 animals. Learn the warning signs on how to prevent 一氧化碳 poisoning.